Where woman meets wild, and where wild inspires a deep remembrance, unshakeable, within. 

Walk the lands, connect to the elements, embrace the mystery and trust within the unfolding. 

As you navigate through both on the lands during festival time and prior to, in preparation for your time with us, we encourage you to reside deeply within your body; returning home to its intelligence and innate knowing.. listening to its subtle whispers informing of what it needs, where to go, when to pause, when to rest, when to nourish, and within which ways. 

We have woven together a truly decadent experience for you with a wide array of scheduled offerings to choose from, alongside unscheduled offerings and spaces for you to connect with as the inspiration arises. 


Our Suggestions for Schedule Navigation

While it is not possible to attend everything listed on the schedule, we encourage you to follow the gravitational pulls that draw you toward the offerings that are meant for you to steep in and experience. 

We trust that in doing so, the unique experience that follows your initial yes, will unfold exactly how it is meant to. 

We say this because we recognize the diversity amongst the women we have joining together for Earth Daughters. Women within all different phases and stages of womanhood, women enduring their own collection of challenges and adversity, women entering into new information within a wide range of topics, women in celebration within different accomplishments and new findings; ALL the journeys we are on en route to EDF are incredibly unique; the same is true for your journey at the festival.

When placed within a moment of indecision, how do you come into the clarity for your next steps? 

Bring this inquiry along with you as you explore through all that we have to offer during your time with us. 

In times where you feel a need to drop into a personalized held container, or sink into integration, find your way to Healers Grove to connect with our line up of skilled practitioners offering their 1:1 services at a special festival rate.

Young Maiden Offerings

Gone are the days of treating our bodies like they are anything but holy.

Gone are the days of girls and women hiding and being ashamed of their bodies and blood. 

It is our duty as truth seekers and speakers to break the chains and normalize what it truly means to be an adult human female in a confused world. By educating and guiding each other, along with young maidens, in the sacred conduit that is the Earth Daughters gathering, we pave the way for future generations.

“We are the daughters of the earth. We come together to share our worth. Love, peace, prosperity til end of days. We show each other all the ways.”

We are thrilled to announce a special addition to our female only event: intentionally curated offerings for Young Maiden - 8 to 16+! These offerings are designed to guide and celebrate the next generation as they step into their womanhood, fostering a deep connection with the rhythms and cyclical nature of womanhood. 

What Awaits Our Young Maidens:

Offerings will be scheduled and spread amongst our main stages and are crafted with love and intention to inspire, educate, and celebrate young women as they journey toward womanhood. 

  • Menarche Celebration
    A sacred ceremony honoring the first bleed, creating a positive and empowering association with this milestone moment whether they have experienced it yet or are yet to.

  • Sacred Anger Alchemy
    A safe and supportive space to explore emotions, transforming anger into strength and clarity.

  • Sister Circles
    Building bonds of trust and connection through guided sharing and support.

  • Creative Workshops
    Activities like drum making and bracelet crafting encourage self-expression and creativity, while teaching the value of hands-on artistry.

  • Nature Connections
    Guided experiences to deepen their relationship with the Earth, fostering mindfulness and appreciation for the natural world.

  • Acquainting with the Cyclical Nature of Womanhood A gentle introduction to the cyclical nature of the female body, empowering young women to embrace thier moon time and understand its rhythm. 

  • Photo Shoots
    A chance for the Little Sisters to shine, embracing their individuality and capturing their unique beauty.


Little women are welcome to join any offering on the event schedule under supervision. The Little Sister Offerings are not a child-minding service. Although you may feel comfortable leaving your child unattended in some of these sessions, Earth Daughters is not responsible for the Little Women. Little Women need to be supervised and monitored by a guardian at all times during our event, especially near the river.

Make the most of your Earth Daughter’s experience